SDK Documentation

Primary Screens

Offers Screen

To open offers a screen for the user.

[flyy openOffersPage];

Rewards Screen

To open rewards screen for user

[flyy openRewardsPage];

Wallet Screen

To open wallet screen for user

[flyy openWalletPage];

Additional Screens

Gift Cards Screen

To open gift cards screen for user.

[flyy openGiftCardPage];

Referral History Screen

To open referral history screen for user.

[flyy openReferralHistoryPage];

Quiz Screen

To open quiz screen for user.

//Live quiz_id or 0
Flyy.sharedInstance.openQuizListDetailPage(quizId: 0)
//Live quiz_id 
[flyy openQuizListDetailPageWithQuizId:0];

Quiz History Screen

To open quiz history screen for user.

[flyy openQuizHistoryPage];

Quiz List Screen

To open quiz list screen for user.

[flyy openQuizListPage];

Stamps Screen

To open stamps screen for user.

Flyy.sharedInstance.openFlyyStampsPage(navigationController: UINavigationController)
[flyy openFlyyStampsPageWithNavigationController:(UINavigationController * _Nonnull)];

Invite Detail Screen

To open the invite detail screen for user.

Flyy.sharedInstance.openInviteDetailsPage(offerId: Int)
[flyy openInviteDetailsPageWithOfferId:(NSInteger)];

Invite And Earn Screen

To open the invite and earn screen for the user.

//Provide 0 to view all offers
Flyy.sharedInstance.openInviteAndEarnPage(offerId: Int)
[flyy openInviteAndEarnPageWithOfferId:(NSInteger)];

Custom Invite and Earn Screen

To open a custom invite and earn screen for the user.

Flyy.sharedInstance.openFlyyCustomInviteAndEarnVC(offerId: Int, headerColor: "#FFFFFF")
[flyy openFlyyCustomInviteAndEarnVCWithOfferId:0 headerColor:@"#FFFFFF"];

Challenge Details Screen

To open the challenge details screen for the user.

Flyy.sharedInstance.openFlyyChallengesPage(offerId: Int)
[flyy openFlyyChallengesPageWithOfferId:(NSInteger)];

Bonanza Screen

To open a bonanza details screen for user.

[flyy openBonanzaPage];

Additional Methods

Set Theme Colors

The Flyy SDK inherits theme colors which are provided to the setThemeColor method. The setThemeColor method must be called immediately after the init method is called.

//Parameters to be passed are color_primary and color_primary_dark
Flyy.sharedInstance.setThemeColor(colorPrimary: "#FF5733", colorPrimaryDark: "#842C19")
//Parameters to be passed are color_primary and color_primary_dark
[flyy setThemeColorWithColorPrimary:@"#FF5733" colorPrimaryDark:@"#842C19"];

Set Name

This will be shown in the screens wherever username is displayed.

Flyy.sharedInstance.setUserName(userName: "<user_name>")
[flyy setUserNameWithUserName:@"<user_name>"];

Set User Token

To increase security for your users you can set unique user token in the following manner instead of setUser() method.

[flyy setUserTokenWithUserToken:@"<user_token>"];

Set User Token along with Segment ID

To increase security for your users you can set unique user token along with segment id in the following manner instead of setUser() method

Flyy.sharedInstance.setUserToken(userToken:”<user_token>”, segmentId:“<segment_id>”)
[flyy setUserTokenWithUserToken:@"<user_token>" segmentId:@"<segment_id>"];

Set New User Token

To increase security for your users you can set unique new user token for new registered users in the following manner instead of setNewUser() method

[flyy setNewUserTokenWithUserToken:@"<user_token>"];

Set New User Token along with Segment ID

To increase security for your users you can set unique new user token for new registered users along with segment id in the following manner instead of setNewUser() method

Flyy.sharedInstance.setNewUserToken(userToken:”<user_token>”, segmentId:“<segment_id>”)
[flyy setNewUserTokenWithUserToken:@"<user_token>" segmentId:@"<segment_id>"];

Set Bank Details

You can use the following method to set user redemption details, which takes following params,

  1. Account number - bank account number
  2. IFSC code
  3. Name
Flyy.sharedInstance.setBankDetails(accountNumber: “”, ifscCode: “”, accountHolderName: “”)
[flyy setBankDetailsWithAccountNumber:@"account_number" ifscCode:@"ifsc_code" accountHolderName:@"holder_name"];

Set UPI Details

You can use the following method to set user redemption details, which takes following params,

  1. UPI ID
Flyy.sharedInstance.setUPI(upiId: "")
[flyy setUPIWithUpiId:@"upi_id"];

Send Events


Sending User Event with API

The sendEvent method should only be used for testing on the Staging environment.
For production, use the Sending User Event API call from your backend instead. All sendEvent events generating from the front-end are ignored by the Flyy's reward system.

Values can either be sent in the form of key and value or as a json object.

Flyy.sharedInstance.sendEvent(key: "<key>", value: "<value>")


Flyy.sharedInstance.sendEvent(key: "<key>", value: "<json_any>")
[flyy sendEventWithKey:@"key" value:@"value"];


NSDictionary *json = @{@"purchase": @500};
[flyy sendEventWithJsonWithKey:@"event" value:json];

Set Referral Code

To set referral code, please call the following function

Flyy.sharedInstance.setReferralCode(referralCode: "tuwfj42")
[flyy setReferralCodeWithReferralCode:@"tuwfj42"];

Get Referral Code

To get referral code, please call the following function

let referralCode = Flyy.sharedInstance.getReferralCode()
NSString *referralCode = [flyy getReferralCode];

Verify Referral Code

To verify if referral code is valid or not, please call the following function

Flyy.sharedInstance.verifyReferralCode(referralCode: "tuwfj42", onComplete: { (success, referralCode)
-> Void in
    if(success) {
[flyy verifyReferralCodeWithReferralCode:@"referral_code" onComplete:^(BOOL isValid, NSString* referralUrl) {
    if (isValid) {
        NSLog(@"Referral Code: ", referralCode);

Show the Notification Popup

Use the below code to show a default Flyy notification popup.

Flyy.sharedInstance.displayNotificationPopupView(title: String, body: String)
[flyy displayNotificationPopupViewWithTitle:@"title" body:@"body_text"];

Show Reward Won Popup

Use the below code to show the reward won popup.

Flyy.sharedInstance.displayNotificationToastView(title: String, buttonText: String, deeplink: String, duration: Int)
[flyy displayNotificationToastViewWithTitle:@"title" buttonText:@"button_text" deeplink:(@"deeplink") duration:(NSInteger)];

Show Reward Won Scratch Card Popup

Use the below code to show the reward won scratch card popup.

Flyy.sharedInstance.displayNotificationScratchView(title: String, body: String, refNum: String)
[flyy displayNotificationScratchViewWithTitle:@"title" body:@"body" refNum:@"ref_num"];

Get Share Data

Use the below code to get share data

Flyy.sharedInstance.getShareData(onComplete: { (success, referralDetails) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        referralDetails[0] //to get referral link
        referralDetails[1] //to get referral message
        referralDetails[2] //to get share message
[flyy getShareDataOnComplete: ^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSString *> *referralDetails) {
    NSLog(@"%@", referralDetails[0]); //referral link
    NSLog(@"%@", referralDetails[1]); //referral message
    NSLog(@"%@", referralDetails[2]); //share message

Get Referral Count

Use the below code to get referral count.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getReferralCount(onComplete: {(success, referralCount) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        referralCount //referral_count
[flyy getReferralCountOnComplete:^(BOOL success, NSInteger referralCount) {
        NSLog(@"%ld", (long)referralCount);

Get Scratch Card Count

Use the below code to get scratch card count.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getScratchCardCount(onComplete: {
    (success, scratchCardCountData) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        print("Total SC Count \(scratchCardCountData[0])")
        print("Scratched SC Count \(scratchCardCountData[1])")
        print("UnScratched SC Count \(scratchCardCountData[2])")
        print("Locked SC Count \(scratchCardCountData[3])")
[flyy getScratchCardCountOnComplete: ^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSNumber *> *scratchCardCountData) {
    NSLog(@"%@", scratchCardCountData[0]); //total sc count
    NSLog(@"%@", scratchCardCountData[1]); //scratched sc count
    NSLog(@"%@", scratchCardCountData[2]); //unscrached sc count
    NSLog(@"%@", scratchCardCountData[3]); //locled sc count

Get Previous Leaderboard Winner

Use the below code to get previous leaderboard winners.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getPreviousLeaderboardWinners(tag: "test", onComplete: {
    (success, message, participantsCount, winnersArray, previousWinnersArray) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        print("Message \(message)")
        print("Participants Count \(participantsCount)")
        let data = .utf8)!
        do {
            if let jsonArray = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments)
as? [Dictionary<String,Any>]
            } else {
                print("bad json")
        } catch let error as NSError {
    } else {
[flyy getPreviousLeaderboardWinnersWithTag:@"test" onComplete:^(BOOL success, NSString* message, NSInteger participantsCount, NSString* winners, NSString* previousWinners) {}];

Get Leaderboard Participants

Use the below code to get leaderboard participants.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getLeaderboardParticipants(tag: "test", onComplete: {
    (success, message, participantsCount, winnersArray, previousWinnersArray) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        print("Message \(message)")
        print("Participants Count \(participantsCount)")
        let data = .utf8)!
        do {
            if let jsonArray = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments)
as? [Dictionary<String,Any>]
            } else {
                print("bad json")
        } catch let error as NSError {
    } else {
[flyy getLeaderboardParticipantsWithTag:@"test" onComplete:^(BOOL success, NSString* message, NSInteger participantsCount, NSString* winners, NSString* previousWinners) {}];

Get Wallet Balance

Use the below code to get wallet balance.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getWalletBalance(walletLabel: "points", onComplete: {
    (success, walletBalanceData) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        print("Balance \(walletBalanceData[0])")
        print("Total Credit \(walletBalanceData[1])")
        print("Total Debit \(walletBalanceData[2])")
[flyy getWalletBalanceWithWalletLabel:@"cash" onComplete:^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSNumber *> *walletBalance) {
    NSLog(@"%@", walletBalance[0]); //balance
    NSLog(@"%@", walletBalance[1]); //total credit
    NSLog(@"%@", walletBalance[2]); //total debit

Get Referrer Details

Use the below code to get referrer details.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getReferrerDetails(onComplete: {
    (success, referralData) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        print("Name \(referralData[0])")
        print("Ext UID \(referralData[1])")
        print("Extra Data \(referralData[2])")
[flyy getReferrerDetailsOnComplete:^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSString *> *referrerDetailsData) {
    NSLog(@"%@", referrerDetailsData[0]); //name
    NSLog(@"%@", referrerDetailsData[1]); //ext uid
    NSLog(@"%@", referrerDetailsData[2]); //extra data

Get Offers Count

Use the below code to get offers count.

Flyy.sharedInstance.getOffersCount(onComplete: {
    (success, offersCountData) -> Void in
    if(success) {
        print("Live offers Count \(offersCountData[0])")
        print("Participated Offers Count \(offersCountData[1])")
[flyy getOffersCountOnComplete: ^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSNumber *> *offersCount) {
    NSLog(@"%@", offersCount[0]); //live offers count
    NSLog(@"%@", offersCount[1]); //participated offers count

Advanced Implementation

Set SDK Closed Listener

To set flyy sdk closed listener

Flyy.sharedInstance.setSDKClosedListener(flyysdkclosedlistener: self)
[flyy setSDKClosedListenerWithFlyysdkclosedlistener:self];

Listen to SDK Closed Listener

extension ViewController:FlyySDKClosedListener
  func onSDKClosed(screenName: String)
@interface ViewController ()<FlyySDKClosedListener> {}

Change the Confetti Colors

Use the below code to change the confetti color which gets shown when you win a ScratchCard.

var confettiColors = [UIColor] ()

confettiColors.append(UIColor(red: 147/255, green: 255/255, blue:99/255, alpha: 1.0))
confettiColors.append(UIColor(red: 100/255, green: 150/255, blue:50/255, alpha: 1.0))
confettiColors.append(UIColor(red: 160/255, green: 50/255, blue:255/255, alpha: 1.0))

Flyy.sharedInstance.setConfettiColor(confettiColor: confettiColors)

Set Custom Domain

Use the below code to set the custom Domain name for Flyy SDK. Ensure you do not add https:// with the Domain.

Flyy.sharedInstance.setBaseFlyyDomain(domain: "")
Flyy.sharedInstance.setBaseStageFlyyDomain(domain: "")
[flyy setBaseFlyyDomainWithDomain:@""];
[flyy setBaseStageFlyyDomainWithDomain:@""];

Add User to a Segment

To add a user to a specific segment. If you are adding a user to an existing segment, you can pass null in segment_title. If the user segment is not present it will create a new one.

Flyy.sharedInstance.addUserToSegment(segmentTitle: "segment_title", segmentKey: "segment_key",
onComplete: {
    (success) -> Void in
    if(success) {}
[flyy addUserToSegmentWithSegmentTitle:segmentTitle segmentKey:segmentKey onComplete: ^(BOOL success) {}];